MMSD Snowday Forecast
The latest odds of a weather closure for the Madison Metropolitan School District.
Status + NWS advisories
🔃 February 17th, 3:10 PM: MMSD schools are open today.
ALERT DAY FOR TUESDAY: Bitterly cold temperatures/wind chills expected tomorrow, particularly in the morning, as low as -25 to -30 degrees. Frostbite can occur in 15-30 minutes, and winds exacerbate the effects. Cars/buses parked outside overnight may have issues starting tomorrow morning, so anticipate delays.
Looking Ahead: No other major weather events for the rest of the week are currently expected.
Current forecast
How the forecast has changed
The latest data
Models & Images
Future Days
Below are closure odds for as far out as the model can predict given the data that we have. They will only be updated daily until they are the next school day, when they’ll take over this page.